Il Filosofo Plantinga: «il teismo cristiano è più razionale del
naturalismo», 20 dicembre, 2011,
Finalmente anche in Italia è
arrivato il libro “Dio esiste. Perché affermarlo anche senza prove” (Rubbettino
2011) scritto dal prestigioso filosofo Alvin Plantinga. Egli è tra i più grandi
pensatori americani, professore emerito di filosofia analitica presso la
University of Notre Dame e già presidente dell’American Philosophical
Ma mentre questo volume esce in
Italia, negli USA contemporaneamente ne esce un altro, intitolato “Where the
Conflict Really Lies: Science, Religion and Naturalism” (Oxford University
Press 2011). Il testo ha trovato recensione sul “New York Times“, dove il
filosofo cristiano (calvinista) viene lungamente celebrato: «quando Plantinga
ha iniziato l’università ad Harvard, c’erano statisticamente pochi credenti nei
dipartimenti di Filosofia Accademica [...]. Ma il signor Plantinga è riuscito a
creare un movimento di filosofi apologeti del cristianesimo che, se non sono
ancora riusciti a persuadere i loro colleghi, almeno hanno reso il teismo
filosoficamente rispettabile. “Ci sono molti più filosofi cristiani ed è molto
più visibile e assertiva la filosofia cristiana oggi rispetto a quando ho
lasciato l’università”, ha dichiarato recentemente Plantinga. Aggiungendo con
caratteristica modestia: “non ho idea di sia successo”. Il quotidiano americano
attribuisce a lui l’origine di questo “new theism” tra i filosofi.
Per adesso, si legge, ha messo il
teismo in sicurezza per la filosofia, ma ora il passo che vuole compiere è
quello di rendere il teismo sicuro per la scienza. Per troppo tempo, sostiene
il filosofo, i teisti sono staticamente sulla difensiva, limitandosi a
confutare l’accusa secondo cui le loro credenze siano irrazionali. «E’ il
momento per i credenti nel Dio creatore della Bibbia», dice, «di passare
all’offensiva». Nel libro uscito in America, Plantinga prende di mira i soliti
Dawkins & Dennett, ironizzando su loro e confutando le loro argomentazioni
principali. Afferma in una intervista: «Mi sembra che molti naturalisti, i
super-atei, cercano di cooptare la scienza affermando che essa supporti il
naturalismo. Penso che sia completamente un errore e si deve sottolinearlo».
Addirittura invece per Plantinga, il teismo cristiano «è molto più ospitale
alla Scienza rispetto al naturalismo. E’ il teismo, e non il naturalismo, che
merita di essere definito “la visione scientifica del mondo”». Non c’è bisogno
di alcuna prova, la Fede in Dio è ciò che i filosofi chiamano “convinzione di
base”: non c’è bisogno della prova della convinzione che il passato esiste, o
che altre persone hanno una mente, o che uno più uno fa due, afferma.
Nel suo libro c’è spazio anche
alla trattazione dell’evoluzionismo, sostenendo che Dawkins & co. abbiano
frainteso Darwin. Ritiene infine che l’ateismo e l’agnosticismo siano posizioni
irrazionali. «Penso che ci sia una cosa come un “divinitatis sensus”, e in
alcune persone esso non funziona correttamente», ha detto, riferendosi
all’innato senso del divino. «Quindi se si pensa alla razionalità come la
normale funzione cognitiva, sì, c’è qualcosa di irrazionale in questo tipo di
atteggiamento». Per approfondire il pensiero di Plantinga consigliamo “Alvin
Plantinga. La razionalità della credenza teistica” (Morcelliana 2006) e Alvin
Plantinga: conoscenza religiosa e naturalizzazione epistemologica (Firenze
University Press 2011).
December 13, 2011
Philosopher Sticks Up
for God
There are no atheists in foxholes, the old
saying goes. Back in the 1950s, when the philosopher Alvin Plantinga was
getting his start, there were scarcely more religious believers in academic
philosophy departments.
Growing up among Dutch Calvinist immigrants in
the Midwest, Mr. Plantinga was used to intense theological debate. But when he
arrived at Harvard as an undergraduate, he was startled to find equal intensity
marshaled in favor of the argument that God didn’t exist, when classmates and
teachers found the question worth arguing about.
Had he not transferred to Calvin College, the
Christian Reformed liberal arts college in Grand Rapids, Mich., where his
father taught psychology, Mr. Plantinga wrote in a 1993 essay, he doubted that
he “would have remained a Christian at all; certainly Christianity or theism
would not have been the focal point of my adult intellectual life.”
But he did return, and the larger world of
philosophy has been quite different as a result. From Calvin, and later from
the University of Notre Dame, Mr. Plantinga has led a movement of
unapologetically Christian philosophers who, if they haven’t succeeded in
persuading their still overwhelmingly unbelieving colleagues, have at least
made theism philosophically respectable.
“There are vastly more Christian philosophers
and vastly more visible or assertive Christian philosophy now than when I left
graduate school,” Mr. Plantinga said in a recent telephone interview from his
home in Grand Rapids, adding, with characteristic modesty, “I have no idea how
it happened.”
Mr. Plantinga retired from full-time teaching
last year, with more than a dozen books and a past presidency of the American
Philosophical Association to his name. But he’s hardly resting on those
laurels. Having made philosophy safe for theism, he’s now turning to a harder
task: making theism safe for science.
For too long, Mr. Plantinga contends in a new
book, theists have been on the defensive, merely rebutting the charge that
their beliefs are irrational. It’s time for believers in the old-fashioned
creator God of the Bible to go on the offensive, he argues, and he has some
sports metaphors at the ready. (Not for nothing did he spend two decades at
Notre Dame.)
In “Where the Conflict Really Lies: Science,
Religion and Naturalism,” published last week by Oxford University Press, he
unleashes a blitz of densely reasoned argument against “the touchdown twins of
current academic atheism,” the zoologist Richard Dawkins and the philosopher
Daniel C. Dennett, spiced up with some trash talk of his own.
Mr. Dawkins? “Dancing on the lunatic fringe,”
Mr. Plantinga declares. Mr. Dennett? A reverse fundamentalist who proceeds by
“inane ridicule and burlesque” rather than by careful philosophical argument.
On the telephone Mr. Plantinga was milder in
tone but no less direct. “It seems to me that many naturalists, people who are
super-atheists, try to co-opt science and say it supports naturalism,” he said.
“I think it’s a complete mistake and ought to be pointed out.”
The so-called New Atheists may claim the mantle
of reason, not to mention a much wider audience, thanks to best sellers like
Mr. Dawkins’s fire-breathing polemic, “The God Delusion.” But while Mr.
Plantinga may favor the highly abstruse style of analytic philosophy, to him
the truth of the matter is crystal clear.
Theism, with its vision of an orderly universe
superintended by a God who created rational-minded creatures in his own image,
“is vastly more hospitable to science than naturalism,” with its random process
of natural selection, he writes. “Indeed, it is theism, not naturalism, that
deserves to be called ‘the scientific worldview.’ ”
Mr. Plantinga readily admits that he has no
proof that God exists. But he also thinks that doesn’t matter. Belief in God,
he argues, is what philosophers call a basic belief: It is no more in need of
proof than the belief that the past exists, or that other people have minds, or
that one plus one equals two.
“You really can’t sensibly claim theistic
belief is irrational without showing it isn’t true,” Mr. Plantinga said. And
that, he argues, is simply beyond what science can do.
Mr. Plantinga says he accepts the scientific
theory of evolution, as all Christians should. Mr. Dennett and his fellow
atheists, he argues, are the ones who are misreading Darwin. Their belief that
evolution rules out the existence of God — including a God who purposely
created human beings through a process of guided evolution — is not a
scientific claim, he writes, but “a metaphysical or theological addition.”
These are fighting words to scientific
atheists, but Mr. Plantinga’s game of turnabout doesn’t stop there. He argues
that atheism and even agnosticism themselves are irrational.
“I think there is such a thing as a sensus
divinitatis, and in some people it doesn’t work properly,” he said, referring
to the innate sense of the divine that Calvin believed all human beings
possess. “So if you think of rationality as normal cognitive function, yes, there
is something irrational about that kind of stance.”
Longtime readers of Mr. Plantinga, who was
raised as a Presbyterian and who embraced the Calvinism of the Christian
Reformed Church as a young man, are used to such invocations of theological
concepts. And even philosophers who reject his theism say his arguments for the
basic rationality of belief, laid out in books like “Warranted Christian
Belief” and “God and Other Minds,” constitute an important contribution that
every student of epistemology would be expected to know.
But Mr. Plantinga’s steadfast defense of the
biochemist and intelligent-design advocate Michael Behe, the subject of a long
chapter in the new book, is apparently another matter.
“I think deep down inside he really isn’t a
friend of science,” Michael Ruse, a philosopher of science at Florida State
University, said of Mr. Plantinga. “I’m not objecting to him wanting to defend
theism. But I think he gets his victory at the level of gelding or
significantly altering modern science in unacceptable ways.”
Mr. Dennett was even harsher, calling Mr.
Plantinga “Exhibit A of how religious beliefs can damage or hinder or disable a
philosopher,” not to mention a poor student of biology. Evolution is a random,
unguided process, he said, and Mr. Plantinga’s effort to leave room for divine
intervention is simply wishful thinking.
“It’s just become more and more transparent
that he’s an apologist more than a serious, straight-ahead philosopher,” Mr.
Dennett said.
When Mr. Plantinga and Mr. Dennett (who said he
has not read Mr. Plantinga’s new book) faced off over these questions before a
standing-room-only crowd at a 2009 meeting of the American Philosophical
Association, the event prompted ardent online debate over who had landed better
punches, or simply been more condescending. (A transcript of the proceedings
was published last year as “Science and Religion: Are They Compatible?”)
Mr. Plantinga, who recalled the event as
“polite but not cordial,” allowed that he didn’t think much of Mr. Dennett’s
line of reasoning. “He didn’t want to argue,” Mr. Plantinga said. “It was more
like he wanted to make assertions and tell stories.”
Mr. Plantinga and Mr. Dennett do agree about
one thing: Religion and science can’t just call a truce and retreat back into
what the paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould called “non-overlapping magisteria,”
with science laying claim to the empirical world, while leaving questions of
ultimate meaning to religion. Religion, like science, makes claims about the
truth, Mr. Plantinga insists, and theists need to stick up for the
reasonableness of those claims, especially if they are philosophers.
“To call a philosopher irrational, those are
fighting words,” he said. “Being rational is a philosopher’s aim. It’s taken
pretty seriously.”
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